Tuesday 18 January 2011

Regularity scheduling: why?

Apologies for the repeated posts about one particular topic familiar to us all.  I am not obsessed, I swear, I just realized I was fascinated by this whole Activia movement.  No pun intended whatsoever!

Honestly, is anyone else a little perplexed by Activia, Yakult and other “pro-biotic” yogurts and their advertising?  I never knew regular bathroom habits were such a concern to the world at large.  They certainly never were even on the radar for me, until those commercials popped up.  When I have to poop, I go to the bathroom and poop.  The only variation to this is when, occasionally, I eat something that disagrees with me and I RUN to the bathroom and REALLY poop.  Never had it occurred to me that “regularity” might be something to be valued—I never used to notice my guts as existing except when I was either putting something in or getting something out.

This is how I know it's time to poop.

This is NOT how I poop.

When did regularity become such a concern for us all?  I mean, I get the fiber thing and the Immodium thing.  I understand that texture is important for bottom comfort. But what makes regularity important?  Am I irregular because I forget to schedule in a poop for 10 a.m. every day?  Should I care?  Does this make me somehow deficient?

Do you do this?

Or maybe it’s because everyone keeps talking about regular people.  You know, like regular people drive cars to work every day, or regular people don’t shave their heads on a bad hair day, or regular people don’t have sixteen pet weasels.  All this time I thought they were talking about normality.  Now I suspect they were talking about bowel timing all along.   Thanks to these  yogurt commercials, I am coming to realize that I’ve failed in my approach to being a regular person by behaving myself and trying to fit in; what I actually needed to do was pencil in my poop times to a personal planner, and the world of normalcy would fall into my lap.

Then I could join the rest of the world in poop scheduling!

Maybe this is actually the man version of PMS.


  1. I laughed too hard at these graphics!!

  2. well as long as you didn't... become irregular as a result :D
